
remain in a static condition; fail to progress

Have you ever felt like you are just stuck? Where it seem as if everyone around you is lapping you in this game called life. We live in a society where we fall victim of instant gratification and forget to embrace the process of our journey to our goals. I frequently forget to embrace the process because reaching for your goals can be so frustrating at times. I tend to get upset because things are not happening when I want them to or not going exactly as I planned. But, I have to come to the realization that I am taking the right steps and I am exactly where I need to be. A wise person once stated " Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty."

The other day I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts called The Friend Zone , the episode was called Getting Back to Happy which made me put a lot of things into perspective. One of the host mentioned when you feel as if you're stuck in a situation and unhappy how do you snap of it. She stated picture the problem as a photo or a painting in a frame and usually we get stuck on one piece of the portrait. We as humans focus and obsess on one thing and why its not working. All we have to do is just zoom out and remember that there is more you can not see. How many times have you been fired or gotten out of relationships--in that moment it felt awful, but it actually changed your life for the better. It takes a while to see the bigger picture but you always know that it's coming. But sometimes we forget and we get so stuck in the sadness. She stated when we feel stuck we should close our eyes and remember to ZOOM OUT because there is a bigger picture and we just don't see it yet. That part of the episode really hit home because I was feeling stuck and that zooming out made me acknowledge my journey and that I need to accept and trust my process. Everything will eventually come into place and one day you will have your breakthrough. The great Frederick Douglass once stated " If there is no struggle there is no progress."


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