Tips To Prepare Your Home For Fall

Tips To Prepare Your Home For Fall

With summer fading away, now is the time to prepare your home for fall. There are several things you should keep in mind to maintain a safe and warm home this fall. Here are a few tips you could use to prepare your home - a few could even save you money!

Clean Gutters

Remove leaves and other debris from your gutters and drainpipe to prevent clogging. It's important to make sure the gutters are cleaned before the cold weather arrives because an overflowing gutter can cause damage to the house.

Check Your Heating System And Fire Alarms

Do a survey of your home vents to make sure they are not blocked. Dust vents and clean all filters. Also, make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working and have fresh batteries.

Check For Drafts

Save energy this fall by examining windows and doors for cracks and sealing them to prevent drafts.

Storm Windows

Clean, store, and replace your removable screens with storm windows.

Clean The Fireplace And Chimney

Clear out ash and charred wood from your fireplace. Have your chimney inspected by a certified professional to inspect for cracks and other dangers.

Turn Off Faucets And Store Hoses

Drain garden hoses and disconnect from outside spigots. Shut off exterior faucets and store hoses in a dry place.

Water Heater 

Drain the water heater and clear out any debris that has settled in the tank.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

Reverse rotation. Hot air rises and if your ceiling fans are able to be reversed, it helps bring the warmer air back down toward you. It can help you save money on heating costs.


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