Easy Ways to Save Money

Need more motivation to save money? I know it's a struggle! Finding ways to save money can become so frustrating. But, by saving money each month you are putting yourself in a better financial position. Saving money allows you to accomplish many goals, such as: buying a house, a new car, paying off debt, going on vacation, retirement and so many other things. If you are serious about saving money, I have a handful of easy helpful tips that will help you reach your financial goals for your future. Of course, all the tips will not apply to everyone but do use the tips that will be best for your lifestyle.

Before you start saving:

  1. Write down all of your monthly income and expenses
  2. Determine the amount of money you want to save
  3. Transfer your determined amount to a separate account every month

Easy Ways to Save Money

Budget with Cash and Envelopes

Have trouble with overspending? When you use the envelope system you create a budget for the month, list your expenses ( rent, groceries, household goods, insurance and etc.), create an envelope for each expense. The only way this budget will work is if you use cash. Once the cash is gone, it's gone! If you have leftover cash in your envelope at the end of the month, deposit it into your separate account.

Brown bag your lunch

If not every day, then at least a couple times a week. The $5 you are spending on lunch every day at work can add up quickly. With thoughtful preparation and just a few minutes of your time, you can create an enjoyable meal and save money each time you prepare your lunch.

Remove your credit card numbers before shopping online

When your card information is stored online in an account it's easier to spend your money. Simply delete your credit card from the account.

Write a list before you go shopping

Making a list is one of the easiest ways to save money. Without a list, you typically make impulse buys and unplanned purchases. Also, it is very important to make a list when grocery shopping. It can help you buy items that fit your meal plan and it helps you to avoid buying food you might waste. Stick to your list!

Stop Smoking (cigarettes or other tobacco products)

Not smoking will help you save money every month and it will also improve your health. Win-Win!

Save your loose change 

It's that simple! Grab an empty jar and start saving all of your loose change and dollar bills. You'll be surprised by how much money you saved by the end of the month.

Avoid fast food

Instead of eating fast food try making simple and healthy meals at home. Also, consider buying a crock pot. A crock pot can be used for inexpensive meal options that not only save you money but time as well.

Cancel your cable or cancel channels you don't watch

Easy! The average cable bill is over $100 a month. There are so many other cheaper options available, such as: Amazon Firestick, Hulu, Netflix, Sling Tv and many more. But if you must have cable get rid of the channels you don't need and put that cash back in your pocket.


If you and your spouse work near each other. If it makes sense just use one car to get back and forth from work. It can save money and wear and tear on your vehicles. Also, if you live near a co-worker you always catch a ride with them.

Buy Generic

Try out the generic version or store brand of the name brand item you typically choose. Sometimes, the only difference between the two is the marketing.

Avoid fast food

Instead of eating fast food try making simple and healthy meals at home. Also, consider buying a crock pot. A crock pot can be used for inexpensive meal options that can you money but time as well.

Avoid out of network ATM fees

It doesn't make sense to pay money to use your money.

Free events in town

You can have fun for hours outdoors, playing sports, trying new activities and it's all free. Instead of paying for entertainment, you can dig into your community calendar or check out your town's website to get a hold of upcoming events. 

Bonus Tips :

  • Save your raise
  • Take Uber or Lyft
  • Bring snacks to work to avoid going to the vending machine 
  • Use coupons
  • Avoid the mall
  • Shop the clearance section
  • Cut/Style your own hair
  • Start a garden
  • Negotiate everything
  • Get rid of your cell phone contract
  • Buy in bulk
  • Take public transportation
  • Make your own gifts instead of buying from the store
  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • Compare prices
  • Avoid stress-spending
  • Cancel unused club memberships
  • Buy used items
  • Invest in a deep freezer
  • Fix things your self
  • Ask for fees to be waived
  • Quit using your credit cards


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