Home Spring Cleaning Tips

Home Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is here! Time to get your home in tip-top shape. 

DIY  Home Spring Cleaning  Tips 

Use newspaper to clean dirty windows and mirrors

For a streak-free window or mirror use your favorite glass cleaner or mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 2 cups of water and 2 tbsp of liquid soap into a spray bottle  and scrub with newspaper.

Avoid scratching floors by cleaning towels under furniture

While rearranging furniture place folded clean towels under each end of the furniture like tables and couches to avoid damage.

Clean stainless steel sinks with baking soda 

Wet your sink and faucet, sprinkle baking soda and scrub with a sponge.

Unpack your spring/summer clothes

Dresser drawers a mess? Put away your winter clothes and stack your folded spring/clothes vertically for easy access.

Use white vinegar for shower buildup

Fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it over the showerhead with a rubber band and leave it overnight for buildup. Make sure to run shower before you bathe to avoid smelling like vinegar. 

Place a wet dryer sheet on a ceramic stovetop to remove residue

Dryer sheets are a great way to remove burnt-on food. Place wet dryer sheet on stovetop at least 15 minutes before removing the residue.


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